BY Michael Light / On May 27, 2024

在他创造“世界上最漂亮的汽车”的追求中,Horacio Pagani扩大了他的视野,包括北湾村(North Bay Village)一座令人惊叹的住宅楼, Miami Beach. 该品牌新车型的豪华定制内饰已经揭晓, 很明显,它们的设计和同名超级跑车一样精心而周到.

“帕加尼住宅代表了帕加尼定制设计方法与最好的材料的令人兴奋的融合, 以及迈阿密的美丽和活力的魅力. 这种创新的融合体现了帕加尼独特的本质,”他说 Horacio Pagani, founder and CEO of Pagani Automobili. “365app的愿望是让住宅业主唤起365app的汽车爱好者和车主每次驾驶他们的帕加尼超级跑车时所经历的同样的兴奋和兴奋.”

Rendering of Pagani Residences Entrance

Rendering of Pagani Residences Entrance

这个项目的设计是对莱昂纳多·达·芬奇的艺术和科学原则的奉献,它是由迈阿密超级建筑师Revuelta Architecture设计的一个设施丰富的结构. Inside, the interiors are curated by Pagani Arte, 帕加尼汽车的一个分支,总部设在意大利,以致力于质量和质感而闻名.

迈阿密的帕加尼住宅将重新定义手工生活的艺术, 呈现出一种精心策划的体验,毫不费力地延伸了帕加尼的精髓——一种对细节的痴迷, refined taste, 其精湛的技艺在当今世界实属罕见,” remarked Mikael Hamaoui, the CEO of Riviera Horizons, in a release.

The residences will be constructed on the waterfront parcel at 7940 West Drive in North Bay Village, rising 28 stories over the Biscayne Bay. With just 70 residences, 这座塔楼也在追随超隐私和安静奢华的新潮流.

Rendering of Pagani Residences Lobby

Rendering of Pagani Residences Lobby

完工后,这70套住宅将包括两到四间卧室的布局,每层四间. 每个住宅都将位于一个角落,内部面积在2,000-3,3000平方英尺之间. 环绕式露台的面积从800- 1040平方英尺不等,带有玻璃围栏. 居民将享受11英尺高的天花板,地板到天花板的玻璃.

On the Penthouse level, 天花板更高(达到13英尺),布局扩展到6英尺,900 interior square feet with 4,900 square feet of terrace space. 居民会注意到露台上增加了私人游泳池.

Rendering of Pagani Residences Living Room Interior

Rendering of Pagani Residences Living Room Interior

Rendering of Pagani Residences Bedroom

Rendering of Pagani Residences Bedroom

尽管住宅数量很少,但业主可以享受丰富的设施. 到达后,客人将由24小时代客,礼宾和门卫迎接. 沿着海滨有一个私人码头供您使用,还有一条240英尺长的木板路,上面有私人船滑道和娱乐空间.

On the 28th level, 客人享受360度的大西洋和比斯坎湾的屋顶泳池休息室与池畔小屋以及冷热跳水. 夏季厨房和烧烤设施也提供露天餐厅附近的游泳池.

Throughout the project itself, 业主提供一系列服务,包括健康设施, a library and lounge, media room, pet spa, along with water sports.

With the location in North Bay Village, 该住宅也方便帕加尼经销商位于14800比斯坎大道附近的北迈阿密.

Rendering of Pagani Residences Private Dock

Rendering of Pagani Residences Private Dock

Rendering of Pagani Residences Pool

Rendering of Pagani Residences Pool

Pagani Residences are currently priced from $2.4 million and delivery is anticipated in 2027.

如果你有兴趣邀请考虑这个项目, please contact Michael Light, Douglas Elliman奢侈品销售的经纪人和执行董事. 您可以直接致电(786)566-1700或通过电子邮件联系Michael michael@mcsoccer.net

Images Courtesy of Riviera Development
Rendering of Pagani Residences Location

Rendering of Pagani Residences Location


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